Mason Maalouf

Bike: 2018 KTM 50SX Mini
1. When did you first become interested in riding dirt bikes? What or who influenced your involvement?
When I was two years old. I was inspired by my dad and Hayden Deegan. He's the man!
2. When did you begin participating? How has your involvement evolved?
I started racing the MRAN series in 2023 50cc novice. We chose MRAN because every race is different and we thought it would be a good learning experience to make me a better riper.
3. What do you love most about racing dirt bikes?
The thrill!
4. If you had to describe riding in 5 words or less, how would you describe it?
So much fun!
5. What is it about racing dirt bikes is most exciting for you? Competition? Risk? Innovation? Other?
Its exciting, you have to overcome fears.
6. If you didnβt compete what else would you be doing?
Hunting with my dad.
7. What are your short and long term goals? What do you see yourself achieving?
I want to keep practicing and racing to be a better rider so I can be pro one day.
8. How do you prepare or set yourself up for success? What do you do that is above and beyond?
Practice all the time!
9. What is something people would never guess or believe about you?
My favorite animal is a fox.
10. What are the greatest obstacles you face? How do you overcome them?
Crashing. I get back up and brush the dirt off and keep going.
11. Have you faced critics and naysayers? How do you handle the negativity?
No. Everyone that is around me, believes in me.
12. What are your greatest successes?
Finishing all my races even if I had a crash.
13. What are your biggest mistakes? What did you learn from them?
Accidentally doing a superman and crashing. Slow down on the jumps!
14. What advice would you give to a newcomer?
Never give up.
15. Who do you follow, admire or aspire to be like? Why?
Hayden Deegan because he is the best.