Stetson Barnes

Bike: 50cc Gas Gas and a 65cc Husqvarna
1. When did you first become interested in riding dirt bikes? What or who influenced your involvement?
When I was 5 years old, I learned to ride a dirtbike from my dad.
2. When did you begin participating? How has your involvement evolved?
I competed in my first race in 2021 when I was 5 years old. I compete in desert racing, because it is competitive and fun.
3. What do you love most about racing dirt bikes?
I like it because it is hard but fun at the same time, and it is competitive.
4. If you had to describe riding in 5 words or less, how would you describe it?
Competitive, hard, fun, fast, rough
5. What is it about racing dirt bikes is most exciting for you? Competition? Risk? Innovation? Other?
Winning and having a good time.
6. If you didnโt compete what else would you be doing?
Playing sports or riding bikes in competition.
7. What are your short and long term goals? What do you see yourself achieving?
Short term goal- winning the MRAN 50cc Expert championship in 2024. How I plan to get there- by practicing and training. Long term goal- to win a 65cc championship in national hare and hound in 2025. How I plan to get there- practice and train with my dad and attend every race.
8. How do you prepare or set yourself up for success? What do you do that is above and beyond?
I ride a lot and learn new skills for the future. I practice and believe in myself.
9. What is something people would never guess or believe about you?
I play 4 sports and still race dirt bikes.
10. What are the greatest obstacles you face? How do you overcome them?
Lappers, I learned how to change my lines.
11. Have you faced critics and naysayers? How do you handle the negativity?
Yes I have, I just ignore when people say negative things to me.
12. What are your greatest successes?
Winning races.
13. What are your biggest mistakes? What did you learn from them?
Wrecking and almost blowing my bike up. I learned to not go so fast in gnarly ruts and deep sand.
14. What advice would you give to a newcomer?
Figure out the course and then go fast.
15. Who do you follow, admire or aspire to be like? Why?
My Dad, because he is a two time 250 and 450 championship winner.