Christian Baker-Crespo

Bike: Husqvarna TC 85cc
Competition Schedule:
Moto For Kids Racing
Youth Moto Mania
Feb 3-5, 2023
Fox Raceway
Pala, California
SW Area Qualifier for Loretta Lynn’s
Feb 12, 2023
Arizona Cycle Park
Buckeye, Az
Mid-West Area Qualifier for Loretta Lynn’s
Feb 18, 2023
Mesquite MX
Mesquite, NV
SW Area Qualifier for Loretta Lynn’s
Feb 19, 2023
Mesquite MX
Mesquite, NV
Mid-West Area Qualifier for Loretta Lynn’s
Feb 25, 2023
Riverfront MX Park
Marysville, Ca
Mid-West Area Qualifier for Loretta Lynn’s
Mar 18, 2023
Bunker Hill MX
Delta, Utah
SW Area Qualifier for Loretta Lynn’s
Mar 25, 2023
Oatfield Raceway
Turlock, Ca
Mid-West Area Qualifier for Loretta Lynn’s
Apr 1, 2023
Porterville OHV Park
Porterville, Ca
SW Area Qualifier for Loretta Lynn’s
Apr 2, 2023
Porterville OHV Park
Porterville, Ca
SW Area Qualifier for Loretta Lynn’s
May 13, 2023
Fox Raceway
Pala, Ca
SW Qualifier for Loretta Lynn’s
May 20-21, 2023
Moriarty MX
Moriarty, New Mexico
SW Regionals for Loretta Lynn’s
June 2-4, 2023
Fox Raceway
Pala, Ca
Mid -West Regionals for Loretta Lynn’s
June 9-11, 2023
Rancho Cordova, Ca
Loretta Lynn’s Amateur Nationals
July 31-Sept 5, 2023
Loretta Lynn’s Ranch
Hurricane Mills, Tennessee
1. When did you first become interested in riding dirt bikes? What or who influenced your involvement?
I became interested in Motorcycle riding when I was about 4 years old. My brother Gavin Baker and my Uncle Aaron influenced me to start riding.
2. When did you begin participating? How has your involvement evolved?
I was 7.5 years old when I first started competing. I compete in Amateur Motocross Racing because that’s what my brother races and I really like it.
3. What do you love most about racing dirt bikes?
I like how it makes me feel to be riding fast and jumping and I like all of the friends I have made while racing.
4. If you had to describe riding in 5 words or less, how would you describe it?
Challenging, exciting, fun
5. What is it about the racing dirt bikes that is most exciting to you? Competition? Risk? Innovation? Other?
The competition is most exciting for me. Working hard to get to the front of the pack and hopefully take the win.
6. If you didn’t compete what else would you be doing?
Playing baseball or football.
7. What are your short and long term goals? What do you see yourself achieving?
Long term goal – Ride pro motocross by the age of 16. How I plan to get there – I will begin competing in regional AMA events to qualify for Loretta’s.
Short term goal is to qualify for Loretta Lynns. I plan on getting there by eating right and exercising and practicing often on my bike.
8. How do you prepare or set yourself up for success? What do you do that is above and beyond?
Exercise, good nutrition, and get lots of seat time.
9. What is something people would never guess or believe about you?
That my room is teal blue.
10. What are the greatest obstacles you face? How do you overcome them?
Being shy, getting to know people better.
11. Have you faced critics and naysayers? How do you handle the negativity?
Yes. Just tell myself that they are negative people and try not to be like them.
12. What are your greatest successes?
Getting 3rd in the 2022 65 C Championship
13. What are your biggest mistakes? What did you learn from them?
Casing a jump, what I learned was doing it over and over until I landed it perfectly.
14. What advice would you give to a newcomer?
Practice, practice, practice and have fun.
15. Who do you follow, admire or aspire to be like? Why?
My brother Gavin Baker, he is a very good rider and a hard worker.